East Lansing News, Plus an Exciting Offer from ELi Supporters
What's happening in East Lansing?

By Alice Dreger, Publisher of ELi
Before we get to the news of the week and tell you what’s coming up next week…
If you’re an ELi veteran reader, you know that we had to shut down for several months this year and were at risk of not coming back.
Well, now a pair of ELi supporters have voluntarily put together a fund to encourage more community members to sign up for East Lansing Insider memberships to help sustain ELi and prevent another shut-down. If you sign up for a $100 East Lansing Insider membership today, you’ll get the news faster and ELi will obtain a $50 match bonus! Please act today!
If you’re already an Insider, thank you! Please consider encouraging others to join you.
What happened this week in East Lansing?
ELi’s schools reporting has started back up, and this week Dustin DuFort Petty reported for us on the ELPS district administration’s decision to end the contract with Jani-King for cleaning services. Things had gotten so bad, teachers and administrators were stuck dealing with the trash. The district is looking to take a new approach. Read more here.

On Tuesday, Council voted 3-1 to demand Attorney General Dana Nessel drop charges against a man shot by two ELPD officers or else move the case to Ingham County prosecutors. A council majority also wants the AG to turn over her investigation file on the police shooting. Find out more here in ELi’s report from Heather Brothers, including why there were five members of council present but only four voting.
Council also voted unanimously to rename Abbot Park “Azaadiwag Park” with the goal of honoring cottonwood trees as well as indigenous peoples of the area. Read more here.

ELi’s report from Monday on the growing problem of violence downtown led to several citizens coming to Council on Tuesday to demand the city do more. We’ll be bringing you an investigatory report on that from ELi City Desk Editor Luke Day. In the meantime, the ELPD has issued an “update” on “efforts to keep the community safe.” Find that here.
A lot else happened at Council this week. Find our round-up of that meeting at East Lansing Info.
What’s coming up?
The city will start fall water main flushing on Monday. You may notice decreased water pressure and discolored water. Learn more here.
For the first time since Covid-19 hit, the East Lansing Welcomes the World program will return to the public library, welcoming international residents and visitors to our city. That will take place Friday, Sept. 30, starting at 6:30 p.m. Find out more here.

The ELPS School Board’s Finance Committee will meet at 3 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 29. Learn more here. The next meeting of the full board of education will be Oct. 3. starting at 7 p.m.
Thanks to next week being the fifth week of the month, there’s only one regular city meeting scheduled. That’s Planning Commission on Wednesday, Sept. 28, starting at 7 p.m. The agenda will be posted at the city’s meetings portal.
But there’s also a special city meeting at 6 p.m. Monday, Sept. 26, namely the public hearing on the annual performance evaluation report of the city’s use of federal Community Development Block Grant funds. Find meeting info here and the draft report here.

On Wednesday, Sept. 28, starting at 7 p.m., an external consultant will hold a special virtual “listening session” about the East Lansing Police Department. According to the announcement, “The CNA Corporation is interested in hearing from the public about their experiences with ELPD.” Find out how to register for the online event here.
On Thursday, Sept. 29, at 10:30 a.m., the library will host a ribbon-cutting for a new mural by Dustin Hunt (shown below). The announcement explains, “The people depicted in the mural are modeled after real East Lansing residents. In the mural, they’re sitting at the kitchen table discussing current social justice issues, with historical artifacts from East Lansing’s civil rights history scattered through the scene.” Read more here.

Got something you want us to mention in ELi’s Saturday morning news round-up?
And don’t forget about the special match campaign we have going on for Insider membership. Become a member today at $100 for one year and ELi will receive a $50 match bonus.