Spread the Word: ELi Has a New Facebook Page
Please share our new page with your friends and communities.

By ELi Staff
The East Lansing Info team knows many readers are guided to stories on our website via Facebook. When the ELi Facebook page went under review at the end of January, we began a mad scramble to get it back.
Unfortunately, we have not yet had it reinstated after the page was compromised. So, we have created a new page and are now calling on everyone to share the link with your friends and communities.
Spread the word that the ELi staff will be posting to its new page: the east lansing info . You can expect alerts of breaking news and links to all of the stories featured on the ELi website.
Also, consider following ELi on other social media. You can find us on Instagram and Threads at @eastlansing.info and on Twitter at @eastlansinginfo .
If you want ELi stories to land directly in your email inbox, you have the option of subscribing to the East Lansing Insider. Subscribers who donate just $10 per month or $100 per year will have all the news delivered via email as soon as we publish. In fact, you get the news earlier than it becomes available on the ELi main website.
You can also sign up for a free East Lansing Insider membership to receive the Saturday newsletter, which provides links to everything ELi covered in the past week and information about what’s coming up in East Lansing.